Tuesday, February 12, 2008

10/14/2007 Le Corsaire Article

Le Corsaire
By Bob Bows

If it were radio, Le Corsaire would be called an "oldy but goody," because it is a delightful throwback filled with pleasing dances—solos, pas de deux, and ensembles. If it were cinema, Le Corsaire would be called a great "date flick," since it has a romantic storyline about a beautiful woman sold into a harem and rescued by handsome pirate.

Artists of the ballet (pirates)
Artists of the ballet (pirates)
Photo: Terry Shapiro
As a ballet, Le Corsaire, based on a Lord Byron poem, is a well-crafted collection of stunning images and a pleasing sampling of technique and artistry from the corps all set to Adolphe Adams' dreamy and evocative melodies, with choice selections from other composers.

On opening night, Sharon Wehner and Alexei Tyukov performed the leading roles of Medora and Conrad. As always, Wehner's virtuosity, highlighted by a series of fouettés across the stage, was an event in itself, and Tyukov, in his Colorado Ballet premiere, showed a lot of talent that will only get better.

Asuka Sasaki is endearing as Gulnara, who risks her life to help Medora escape. Gregory Gonzales is a hoot as the Pasha.

Alexei Tyukov as Conrad and Sharon Wehner as Medora
Alexei Tyukov as Conrad and
Sharon Wehner as Medora
Photo: Terry Shapiro
Simon Pastukh's set and Tony Tucci's lighting design are evocative throughout, but particularly in the opening and closing scenes, when Le Corsaire (a swift and nimble military clipper ship) arrives in a storm with the hero and departs with the lovers sailing into a lovely sunset. The interludes also allude to the same metaphor, thus tying the epic arc to the story's details.

Le Corsaire is sure to bring wonder to adults, eight-year olds, and everyone in-between. It clocks in at a brisk 1 hour and 50 minutes and runs through October 14th. 303-837-8888, 303-830-TIXS, or www.ColoradoBallet.com.

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